Relationship Therapy

Discover Your Love Map

Couples don’t stay together for 5, 10, 15, 25 years, and longer, because there are no disagreements.

All couples fight.

Love maps are the roadways to fair fighting.

Couples don’t stay together because of the passion.

As you get older, the sex is more mundane.

Couples stay together because they develop a strong marital friendship.

Love maps are the roadways to getting to know your partner in a way that results in you becoming best friends forever.

Love is not a feeling.

Healthy relationships are built on love. Love is a verb. It’s the practices and the couple’s behavior when they engage with one another.

Being critical, defensive, contemptuous, or stonewalling toward each other negates any verbal declaration of love.

When any of these attitudes creep into your interaction with one another, it’s time to seek help.

The success of relationship therapy depends on how engaged each partner is in the process.

For Couples and Marital Therapy, we use interventions based on The Gottman Method for Healthy Relationships. This method helps couples increase their overall closeness, respect, and affection through “love maps.”

If either person is distracted during the session, or fails to do the between sessions activities, it is much less likely that the therapy will have a positive outcome.

More importantly, you should seek help as early as possible during your disagreement.

To get your relationship back on track, call us.

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Gottman, J. M., & Silver, N. (1999). The seven principles for making marriage work. New York: Three Rivers Press