My mama always used to say, “Watch your mouth” and “everything that comes up doesn’t need to come out.” This was her way of teaching us the biblical principle, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” (Proverbs 18:21). In other words, the language one uses produces an outcome. The nature of the outcome, for good or evil, success or setback, is dependent upon the words used and the way they are structured.

Vocabulary and semantics matter. Semantics has to do with the meaning of words, expressions and sentences in relation to reference and truth. “I’m well” is not the same as “I’m good.” The first has to do with health; the second has to do with character.

Depending upon your audience, grammar matters as well. If you’re communicating in a professional or training setting, including from a church pulpit, please use proper grammar.

What is the power of language? Language communicates the nature of a matter or the character of a person. If used improperly, it distorts our image of ourselves or our future. Distortion is a lie and lies destroy. So, watch your mouth and remember that everything that comes up doesn’t need come out.

Unless otherwise noted, all scripture quoted is from the New King James Version of the Bible.

Journaling Principle

Create a healing space.

Accountability – A journal is a chronicle of your vision for success. It is a blueprint of destiny; therefore, it is an instrument of accountability. Such discipline is a firm foundation for joy.

Journaling is an effective strategic planning application and powerful leadership development tool.